All UpcomingEvents

At Camp Bow Wow Concord NC

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    Picnic Picasso

    Unleash your Campers inner Picasso to transform paw prints into a watermelon masterpiece, then cool down with delicious homemade frozen watermelon treats. A perfect way to celebrate creativity and beat the heat! Text, call or email us to sign up for 7/4, 7/5, 7/16, 7/25, 7/30.

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    Surfin' Snuggles

    Surf's up at Camp! Snuggle up surfer-style and enjoy all the summer vibes with a cozy beach towel, toy and surfboard! Available every Friday, Saturday and Sunday all month.

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    Splash Pad Wednesday's

    Join us on the 10th & 24th for a Luau themed Group Enrichment, and on the 17th & 31st for a Under the Sea theme Group Enrichment! Our Campers will enjoy a splash pad, pup pool, bubbles and themed photos - sign up your pup today by calling or emailing!

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    Pupsicle Sniff & Seek

    Chill out for this discovery adventure, as pups lick their way through frozen beef snacks inside a Pupsicle - voted BEST enrichment toy by NBC! Perfect for keeping pups cool while they play & learn! This Enrichment is available 7/12-7/14 and 7/26-7/28. Also for sale in our lobby!